Monday, May 4, 2015

What's Outside My Door: April

April Showers, right? Not so in Ms Gardenia's Speech Room! We have had TOO much rain and SO many cloudy days here. It was a sunny day the day I decided to decorate my interactive language wall for SPRING!

With school wrapping up soon, I wanted to do a couple of sessions specifically focusing on language skills using pronouns.

As my groups came in, we made these giant flowers to put outside my speech room door.

I also let the kids who were specifically working on pronouns for their IEPs to make personal sized flower gardens to take home. We were able to fit them onto a construction sized paper but I didn't get any pictures of them! They were just smaller versions of our bulletin board. 

It was really neat to see what the students came up with for the petals on each flower. 
My favorite: "Mr Potato Head"! They are Genius!

We had planned to get a "THEY" on the board, but it just never happened. You know how spring is in Early Childhood Education!

Here is the list they made for "SHE":

Here is the "IT" flower:

As I attached the petals, the students made some wonderful sentences, even two at a time on occasion! "Look at the rainbow. It is in the sky." The focus of the activity was to make sentences using pronouns, answer questions that included pronouns and ask questions that included pronouns. 

One way I worked on answering questions was to show a picture of a girl running and ask, "Who is running?" I had the pronouns (center of flowers) on a strip for each student to use as a visual. They could look at it to see which one was a girl, then use that pronoun (she) in their sentence as the answer.

I printed out this FREE EASTER PRONOUN activity from Speech is Sweet to also work on answering questions in complete sentences. 

The kids loved the pictures which encouraged them to make wonderful sentences. You know it's a good activity when the kids are reaching out for their cards when it's not their turn or trying to see them and make the sentence before you even get it flipped for their turn!

I had a freebie version of this NO PRINT INTERACTIVE PRONOUN ACTIVITY  from Speech Therapy Fun so I wanted to incorporate it as well. 

The kids loved using it on the iPad as well as on the SmartBoard. The pictures are adorable and the task is quick and entertaining because they get to touch the screen! I used this activity with PreK all the way through my intermediate Life Skills classes.

Of course I wish we had been able to finish the board with our "THEY" flower, but we DID target it in speech therapy which is the most important thing. Now time to take it all down and get ready for an end of year interactive wall!