Thursday, March 26, 2015

Fast and Easy Materials for Speech Therapy: LessonPix

If you have not yet used Lesson Pix to create materials, you are MISSING OUT!
I met Bill Binko at our state speech pathology convention last week. I usually do not take the time to watch product demonstrations, but I am SO glad that I did. 
Bill and his wife Lori created this program so that PARENTS of children with special needs would have an AFFORDABLE option to make their own visual supports and communication pieces to use in their home with their children. How great is that? 
Read their story HERE.

Watch their introductory video HERE to get an idea of just a few ways to use their program.

This morning, I had a few extra minutes to pull a kid who is really struggling with his /k/ sound and needs extra drill time that is focused on him alone.

We had been using my free /k/ and /g/ activity for a few sessions so I wanted to do something different to gather some data for progress reports.

 I opened up LessonPix, searched /k/ sounds, drug over all of the initial /k/ words that I could find as I quickly scanned the pictures, chose tally cards, printed, laminated and 10 minutes later was sitting at the table with my student, checking off the words as he said them correctly. We got almost 200 repetitions in about 20 minutes time! He was HIGHLY motivated as I marked off the boxes. At first he thought he would NEVER get them all finished, but as we started getting good production of /k/, he quickly finished and was SO proud of himself.
Now I have the laminated copies to use again or I can download my file I created and send home in black and white for homework.

You will NEVER BELIEVE the price and I want you to visit their page so I'm not going to disclose the amount here. I PROMISE you can afford it.
You can download and use my product by following the link below: 

Initial /k/ Drill

With this initial /k/ articulation drill, you can easily get almost 200 repetitions in less than 20 minutes.
What I did: Print and laminate by placing two pages back to back. Use a dry erase marker to check off correct production of /k/ words.
What you could do: Print on black and white, use pencil to mark, and send home with students after they complete in therapy.