Tuesday, February 17, 2015

WH Questions in speech therapy today

There is always someone in each group working on WH Questions whether it be asking them or answering them. One of my kids has become quite successful answering WH questions using the FREE visuals I created and gave to his teachers to wear on her lanyard.
You can also download them in my TpT store HERE.

Today there were two other students in the group working on articulation. I asked them to say the word, then repeat a phrase. They passed the card to the student working on WH questions and he sorted them into two groups: What and Who.

After he put them in the appropriate group, I prompted him with a sentence. "The girl is dancing." Then he would be required to ask me a question, "Who is dancing?" I would again answer him "The girl is dancing."
I used this opportunity to stick in some new vocabulary words. For example: on the hamburger card, I prompted with "The hamburger is tasty" and he asked "What is tasty?" so I answered him, "The hamburger is tasty!"
Any time we get to write on the table, the kids are immediately intrigued by the activity!
